Interviews and Appearances
Robonzo – The Unstarving Musician Podcaster Set Lusting Bruce: The Bruce Springsteen Fan Podcast
Robonzo joins me from Mexico! We discuss him growing up in Fort Worth and we share memories of going to concerts at the Cotton Bowl. His love of the Rolling Stones. We also discuss his podcast The Unstarving Musician where he and his guests talk about marketing, business and the creative process to empower other musicians the ability to do more of what they love, make music.
Relocating as a Musician (with Robonzo) | Ep36 The Musician Toolkit with David Lane
If you’re a working musician, chances are that at least once in your life, you’ll move to another area. You’re moving to an area with established musicians and trying to get your foot in the door. What are some of the things you can do? Robonzo is a drummer who has established a working network in the areas of Fort Worth/Dallas and San Francisco, as well as towns in Panama and Mexico, and shares a few things to do and don’t to get started in a new area.
175 Robonzo Working Musician Podcast™
Topics include relocation, networking, smiling, The Unstarving Musician, and optimizing the economics…
259 – Growth – with Robonzo of The Unstarving Musician The New Music Industry Podcast | | with David Andrew Wiebe
What would it look like to start a new podcast? How do you market your music effectively? What are the most important tools you could be taking advantage of in 2022?
Getting Paid for What You Are Worth with The Unstarving Musician – Robonzo The Gigging Musician Podcast
Roberto R. Hernandez, The Unstarving Musician – GigGab 88 Gig Gab – The Working Musicians’ Podcast
Roberto R. Hernandez joins Paul and Dave to talk about the genesis of his new book, The Unstarving Musician’s Guide to Getting Paid Gigs. The discussion starts with how Roberto set about to write the book, and then opens up into more of a GigGab-style chat about some of the topics covered within. Relationship management, venue interaction, negotiating, personality and, yes folks, subbing are all on the list of topics your three Weekend Warriors discussed during this week’s GigGab. Listen to the podcast, then go check out the book!