
The Billboard article I originally referenced for this post is no longer online, and I’m not clear on what occurred with Jane’s Addiction following the interview with drummer Stephen Perkins. According to Wikipedia, the band’s last album was in 2011.


Jane's Addition The Great Escape ArtistThere are lots of great drummer jokes, and perhaps there’s one in Jane’s Addition drummer Stephen Perkins being spokes person for the band’s alleged plans to record soon. I kid of course, but surely there’s a laugh waiting to happen. In speaking to Billboard.com, Perkins gives insight into how the band might tackle the writing process saying, “We had a discussion on the flight home from the Super Bowl about, ‘OK, new music — do we visit it while we’re touring? Do some stuff on the bus and in sound check and go that route, or do we wait ’til the tour’s over and take a break and then go head-first?”

I just gave a quick listen to their last release, and must say the band still sounds great. Hopefully they’ll treat us to something fresh, if they do in fact record again soon. Check out the full Billboard.com article…

by Gary Graff, Detroit  |   February 16, 2012 1:50 EST