Robonzo at a Google conference

Robonzo at a Google conference

I started with email marketing in this “Marketing a Band” series, because it’s an area that I’ve probably learned the most about, over the last couple of years. Social media marketing is a much bigger animal, but I’ll touch on that in forthcoming posts. Many of my peers in the local scene, which is the South Bay of the greater San Francisco Bay area, send out emails via their personal email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.). This can present a host of problems as ones list grows to as few as 20 subscribers (Google the CAN-SPAM Act for more info).

Email marketing with services like Constant Contact, iContact or Mail Chimp offer advantages that go beyond complying with federal law, but also helps grow your email list. Then there’s fairly easy to use design templates and great reporting features. OK, so there’s a learning curve, but the three services I mentioned have great online learning tools, and one even offers live training workshops. Email marketing is a huge topic, so I’ll leave you with sa promise to write more on this topic, as it relates to marketing a band.