Anna Larson Shares Her Passions For Music, Story Telling And Beauty (Ep 208)

My guest Anna Larson shares her passion for music, story telling and beauty for this episode. I found her in my email inbox one day not long ago. She sent me a textbook perfect pitch asking if I'd be interested in having her on the podcast. [...]

2021-07-16T10:59:26-05:00July 16th, 2021|Creativity, Marketing, Podcast|

Studio Work, Teaching, Visual Arts and Drum Gear – Mike Dawson (Ep 200)

Multifaceted drummer Mike Dawson has refocused his career on studio work, teaching, visual arts and of course drum gear. Prior to the pandemic, he was a gigging machine, managing editor at Modern Drummer Magazine, and co host of the Modern Drummer Podcast With Mike And Mike. [...]

2024-08-16T05:48:53-06:00May 13th, 2021|Marketing, Performing, Podcast|

Whimsy On Stage and In the Studio – Louisa Hall (Ep91)

One of my favorite things about Louisa Hall's latest release Barista Boyfriend is its whimsy. She amplifies that whimsy in the videos created for album, but it doesn't stop there. Louisa also takes her whimsy to the stage for live performances. In this conversation we explore her mindset for [...]

2019-04-04T14:59:12-06:00February 22nd, 2019|Marketing, Podcast|
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